Patient Rights | North Idaho Eye Institute | Patient Resources

Patient Rights

Patient Resources

Privacy and Confidentiality

North Idaho Eye Institute is committed to preserving the privacy and confidentiality of your health information which is created and/or maintained at our clinic. We make a record of the medical care we provide and may receive such records from other medical offices. These records are used to provide quality medical care, to obtain payment for services provided to you as allowed by your health plan and to enable us to meet our professional and legal obligations.

State and federal laws and regulations require us to implement policies and procedures to safeguard the privacy of your health information.

This Notice will provide you with information regarding our privacy practices and applies to all of your health information created and/or maintained at our clinic, including any information that we receive from other health care providers or facilities. The Notice describes the ways in which we may use or disclose your health information and also describes your rights and our obligations concerning such uses or disclosures. If you have any questions about this Notice, please contact our Privacy Officer (Alysse Craner, 208-667-2531).

Click here for the full HIPAA Disclosure Form.

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Click here for a downloadable pdf of Patient Rights and Responsibilities

All patients of the North Idaho Cataract and Laser Center (NICLC) have the right to expect quality ophthalmic treatment and vision care, and to be assured of the confidentiality of your medical record as well as your ability to access information contained in your medical record. North Idaho Cataract and Laser Center is located in the lower level of the North Idaho Eye Institute. There is a lift for patients who require assistance with mobility. We are happy to make additional arrangements for any special needs you may have. Please notify the Surgery Counseling staff of any requirements regarding assistance for disabilities that you may require prior to admission. As our patient, you have the right to expect the following:

  • You have the right to considerate care, privacy and complete information concerning your diagnosis, evaluation, treatment and prognosis.
  • You have the right to receive safe care in a non- threatening environment free from abuse or harassment and the right to be treated with respect.
  • When the need arises, we will make all reasonable attempts to communicate with you in the language or manner you primarily use. If you wish to have a family member present to communicate for you, you may make this known and we will accommodate that need to the extent we are able to.
  • You, or your designee or legally authorized representative, have the right to be fully informed about your diagnosis, the risks and benefits of the surgical procedure you are to undergo as well as the anesthesia risks and benefits. If you have additional questions about your treatment, you may ask for clarification from your surgeon.
  •  You have the right to decide whether or not health care students, interns or technical support persons observe or participate in your care. You may refuse to participate in any experimental research.
  • The right to approve or refuse the release of your records except when required by law.
  • You have the right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and you have the right to obtain a second opinion.
  • You have the right to be assessed for pain and to receive appropriate pain management therapies, as well as assessment of the effectiveness of your pain management.
  • You should be aware that there is a mechanism for reporting grievances and that you have the right to express a complaint or concern to the appropriate personnel, without fear of jeopardizing your care. You have the right to expect appropriate action within a reasonable amount of time. If you wish to file a grievance, you may do so verbally, by e-mail or in writing by contacting any staff member at the surgery center or the Administrator of the North Idaho Eye Institute (see back).
  • The North Idaho Cataract and Laser Center is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and on occasion when the schedule requires, we may be open additional hours.
  • A reasonable attempt will be made to provide communication assistance such as translation services or sign language interpreters as needed.
  • If you require after-hours care, you may ALWAYS contact a physician on call by calling 667- 2531, day or night, seven days a week. If you have a medical emergency, always call 911.
  • You have the right to know what the fees will be for services provided and payment policies.
  • You have the right to know the names and medical credentials of the health care professionals caring for you. Our doctors, registered nurses and anesthesia staff are all licensed in the State of Idaho.
  • You have the right to change your primary eye care provider.
  • You are entitled to know the names and addresses of all officers of the Board of Directors, the governing body for the North Idaho Cataract and Laser Center. Please contact the administrator if you require this information. (See below.)
  • You may expect these rights to be respected without regard to educational or religious background, sex, culture, or economic status.
  • You have the right to exercise these rights without being subjected to discrimination or reprisal.
  • You may contact any one of several persons if you have questions concerning your care or procedures at NICLC. They are listed at the bottom of this form and include: Alysse Craner, the Administrator for the North Idaho Eye Institute, Dr. Tad Buckland, the Medical Director and Quality Assurance Director, Victoria Friend, R.N. the Quality Assurance Coordinator and Nurse Manager, the Idaho State Medicare Representative from the Bureau of Facility Standards, or the Medicare Ombudsman web site. The Medicare Ombudsman role is to ensure that if you are a Medicare beneficiary, you receive the help and information you need to understand your Medicare options, rights and protections. We encourage our patients to complete the Patient Satisfaction Survey to provide us with feedback about your stay.
  • You should know that your physician may have a financial interest in the surgery center.

Patient Responsibilities

As a patient, we ask that you provide us with complete and accurate information about your medical history, medications and over the counter products taken, allergies or sensitivities and any other matters pertinent to your health care.

  • You have the responsibility of following your physician’s care instructions, recommended orders and participate in your care.
  • For surgeries requiring sedation or anesthesia such as cataract removal, you MUST have a responsible adult to drive you home. It is recommended that someone remain with you for 24 hours.
  • You have the responsibility of providing us with a copy of your Medical Power of Attorney forms, IDAHO POST form or advance directives if available. If you like, we can provide a packet of information about advanced directives, or a link to the information needed for you to determine your best course of action regarding advanced directives. If you provide us with your advanced directives, the North Idaho Cataract and Laser Center will maintain a copy in your record of your directives while you are a patient in our facility. We will make them available for emergency responders if they are needed. It is very unlikely that you will experience an event that would require resuscitation while you are at our center. However, on the rare occasion that such an event occurs, we will make every effort to resuscitate you and transfer you to a hospital along with a copy of your wishes for care.
  • You have the responsibility to ask questions if you do not understand your surgical plan or medical care.
  • You have the responsibility to assure that financial obligations of your surgery and/or care are fulfilled as promptly as possible. You should request assistance if you have difficulty meeting this obligation. You may request assistance when dealing with third party payers. You will be asked to compile a complete medical record, and authorize a release of necessary medical information for insurance purposes.
  • We ask that you express your concerns and opinions about your care in a constructive and helpful manner so that we can improve the quality of care at North Idaho Cataract and Laser Center.
  • We ask that as a patient you be respectful and considerate of the rights of other patients and facility personnel.
  • You have the responsibility for keeping nursing staff informed of your comfort level and need for pain relief measures.

Thank you for placing your trust in the  North Idaho Cataract and Laser Center to provide your care.

If you have concerns or a grievance you may contact:

North Idaho Eye Institute

Alysse Craner, 667-2531 or

Medical Director
Director of Quality Assurance
Dr. Tad Buckland, 667-2531

Nurse Manager
Renetta Seeley, R.N. at 770-3811 or

Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC)

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Bureau of Facility Standards
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0036
(208) 334-6626

Office for the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman
